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SYSBL - Policies

SYSBL - Acceptable user policy

The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy is to generate an atmosphere in which freedom of speech is balanced by a mature, self-disciplined approach to discussion befitting of our members.

SYSBL - Complaints Policy

The directors are ultimately responsible for the management and administration of SYSBL, including the management of complaints. All complaints will be taken seriously.


The aim of this policy is to protect both SYSBL and its Directors in situations where a conflict of interest or duty arises, or might arise, and to ensure that such situations are dealt with openly. Conflicts of interest and duty are bound to arise, and the issue is not the integrity of the Director concerned.

SYSBL - Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

We, South Yorkshire School Business Leaders C.I.C (“SYSBL”), are a C.I.C, a community interest company. Our work involves consulting with various national and local policy makers and public-sector bodies.

SYSBL - Risk Management Policy

The board of Directors of SYSBL is responsible for overseeing risk management across SYSBL and for implementing this policy. Key risk indicators will be identified, monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.

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